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I deeply appreciate your unflinching honesty in this essay. So much of it was deeply familiar. And as I attempt to get pregnant now, it’s poignant and important to unpack all the messages I got around mothering. Thank y out for helping me do that.

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`All of the boys in the room said it was me--out of the girls in the room--who they’d want to be the mother of their children. We were in our early twenties, college students, friends, playing a silly question game.`

As a male outside of the Mormon community, this made me incredibly uncomfortable. The idea that I, let alone a group of friends, would vote, let alone publicly with the "options" in the room, for "person I would want to mother my children" is for lack of a better term foreign and weird. Our college experiences were obviously going to be very different, but from a social perspective I didn't think the difference would be so drastic.

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Eternal perspective!!

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